a) Menopausal Syndrome
b) Irregular Period
c) Improve Fertility
d) Habitual Abortion
a) Menopausal Syndrome
Menopause is the point at which a woman stops ovulating and menstruation ceases, indicating the end of fertility. It is
also defined as 5 years before & after the menstruation ceased.
Menopause is as natural progression in life as puberty and is not a disease. Estrogen levels drop sharply after menopause,
the hormone does not disappear entirely, other organs take over from the ovaries and continue to produce a less potent
form of estrogen.
By this stage, most of the acute problems a woman may have experienced are: hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia,
excessive sweating, palpitation, joint aches, irritability and mood changes. Clinically: dry skin, dry vaginal, decrease in
libido, osteoporosis, coldness of extremities, headache, anxiety, fatigue, poor appetite, constipation, nausea, arthritis……etc.
Conventional treatment for menopausal syndrome is hormone replacement therapy (H.R.T.)
HES Cell polypeptides growth factors help to regulate and strengthen the endocrine system to maintain it balance and enhance
sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system to function normally. It also stimulates blood circulation and improves
general condition.
After a course of HES Cell Polypeptides Growth Factors therapy, patients will feel better, no more fatigue and all the symptoms
of menopause are improved or disappeared.
b) Irregular Period / Coldness of extremities
HES Cell Polypeptides Growth Factors nourishes & regulates the endocrine system to maintain it’s balance. Women with irregular
period, after a course of HES Cell Polypeptide Growth Factors therapy, their periods will be back to normal. Beside regulating
menstrual period, it also enhance blood circulation and help to improve women with coldness extremities.
c) Improve Fertility
HES Cell Polypeptides Growth Factors having the ability in regulating endocrine system and maintains a good balance in female
hormonal secretion (estrogen, progesterone, FSH, LH……etc), thus induce normal ovulation.
Women who are having ovulating problems due to impairment of hormone secretion are benefits from it.
A group women (Age 35 – 40) without taking family planning and were not pregnant for years, after completed one
course of HES Cell Polypeptides Growth Factors Therapy, many of them came back with delayed periods and found out to be
pregnant. This even confirmed that HES Cell Polypeptides Growth Factors really improved fertility.
d) Habitual Abortion
Women suffering from unknown causes of habitual abortion (2 – 3 times abortions), their problems are not confined
to pregnancy but are due to fetus failed to develop in the mother’s worm till full term.
Modern medicine still unable to solve this problems. Women having suffering from habitual abortion, after completed
one course of HES Cell Polypeptides Growth Factors Therapy, their periods became regular and increased chances of pregnancy.
HES Cell Polypeptides Growth Factors also strengthens the endometrium, enable the pregnancy to progress normally & smoothly
up to full term & till delivery.
This remarkable effect is difficult to explain, but we have several successful cases to prove it.