Anemia curing with help of cell therapy specialists
Stem cell therapy has proven to be effective in treatment of primary and secondary anemia. An indication for fetal stem cell transplantation in patients with anemic syndrome is the lack of response to standard treatment methods and it is a serious alternative to blood transfusion. Positive results of fetal stem cell treatment have been observed during treatment of anemia of different etiologies.
When chronic anemia of post-hemorrhagic nature develops (after a profuse or long-lasting bleeding, for example, in case of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, uterine bleeding, injury) repeated blood transfusion procedures are required. The introduction of fetal stem cells significantly shortens the duration of anemia syndrome, blood count parameters recover in a better quality manner, which allows to restore the working capacity quickly, and minimizes the ischemic suffering (lack of oxygen) of internal organs.
Fetal stem cell treatment is particularly demonstrative in cases of severe aplastic anemia when drug stimulation doesn’t give the expected results, there is a complete suppression of red blood cell lineages and there are complications concerning internal organs. By substitution, fetal stem cells get involved in hematopoiesis and restore the hemoglobin level and erythrocytes in the shortest time. This creates conditions for personal cytopoiesis restoration. In treatment of the pathology, repeated courses of fetal stem cell treatment are likely in a short or long time. In all cases, normal hemoglobin levels persisted for many years after courses of treatment with fetal stem cells. No other existing methods are capable of achieving such results.
The anemia treatment course at UNIQUE CELL TREATMENT CLINIC, as a rule, takes 2 days.