Ulcerative Colitis (UC) - real cure through regenerative medicine
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are severe autoimmune diseases in which the pursued traditional anti-inflammatory therapy is symptomatic, and this disorder often causes surgery and patient’s disability. Fetal stem cells possess immunocorrecting properties and are able to stop the pathological reaction against one’s own mucosa of small and large intestines, influencing the pathogenesis (development) of the disease (ulcerative colitis).Fetal cell therapy allows to achieve a stable remission on average within 21 days in cases of nonspecific ulcerative colitis and within 28 days in Crohn’s disease (78% in nonspecific ulcerative colitis and 66.7% in Crohn’s disease).Stable remission lasts for 12-15 months in case of ulcerative colitis and as for patients with Crohn's disease it’s up to 2.5-3 years. |
The patient’s life quality improves (3-times decrease of defecation frequency per day is noted as well as improved stool consistency, amount of blood reduced by 45-50%, of mucus by 40-50%; elimination of pus in stools, false urgency, abdominal pain), lost working capacity is restored. In 80 percent of cases fetal stem cell therapy allows to avoid surgery and subsequent disability.
At UNIQUE CELL TREATMENT CLINIC we have developed schemes of suspensions containing fetal stem cells in treating patients with ulcerative colitis. Our method has shown phenomenal performance in cases of acute and chronic forms of non-specific inflammatory bowel disorder of all degrees of severity, including severe.
Indications for treatment of fetal stem cells in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease:
1. Advanced disease, not amenable to conservative therapy for two weeks;
2. The presence of extra intestinal complications;
3. Inability to perform surgery due to severe condition of a patient as a result of anemia, hypoproteinemia, profound metabolic disturbances, presence of comorbidities;
4. Cachexia (wasting);
5. Correction of anemic syndrome in ulcerative colitis.
Criteria for quality of life and clinical cure rate of nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are presented in the table.
Ulcerative colitis - stop it
You can find a more detailed presentation on the results of cure of nonspecific ulcerative colitis with application of fetal stem cell suspensions here. (POWER POINT)
After fetal stem cell therapy, the endoscopic aspect of the ulcerative colitis dramatically improves, anemic syndrome is corrected (red blood cell number restoration and hemoglobin level adjustment). The introduction of fetal stem cells restores immune competence - it prevents the progression of autoimmune process (the mechanism of the disorder) and re-exacerbation of the disorder.
The duration of stem cell treatment course for ulcerative colitis at UCTC usually amounts to 2 days.
ulcerative colitis statistic in the world |
ulcerative colitis nanotechnology |
curing from ulcerative colitis |